
Dear Miss Rayhon, I was very pleased to receive your wishes for Christmas. I always remember you with great pleasure because you were so nice and so kind and trough you I learned to love Termez. When your mail arrived I was in the States and this is the reason why I’m answering you so late. An other reason is that I also wanted to send you some pictures that I took when we were together and I needed a bit of free time to chose them.

I was so impressed by your country and I will never forget the kindness of people and the beauty of monuments. But Italy is a beautiful country too and I remember that you were curios about it. I would be very pleased if you come and visit me for a holiday at Easter time. Of course I would talk about it also with your parents, to avoid them to be preoccupied. Think about it and let me know.

I wish you and your family all the best and thank you so much for remembering me as I remember you Maristella