Dear friends I heartly welcome you in my website from where you may find useful information about the unique History, Culture and Peoples of Surkhan Oasis and its Heart Termez which still plays an important role of a fortpost of Uzbekistan. Visiting this part of Uzbek land you will feel a warm and sincere hospitality of its peoples whose originations are related to Bactrians, Greeks, Persians, Indians, Turks, Mongols and Arabs. For those who are deeply interested in the Rich and Antique History of Surkhan-Termez I would be happy to offer a good chance of Becoming one part of it, observing Archaeological excavations or having even a good opportunity to do it with the prominent archaeologists of Uzbekistan, France, Germany and Japan. Enjoy every moment of your trip in the South!

If for people and your nation you do favour First and foremost yours be the favour

Mir Alisher Navoi


Walking tours in Termez Thus, what is possible to see in modern Termez? For sure its museums, art gallery and unique zoo! And maybe local…


I visited the town of Termez in Uzbekistan with my wife.We had a great luck finding Rayhon! Not just a very knowledgeable history teacher with perfect english, but a scholar of buddhist archaelogical sites of which she has published some studies. We spent a whole day with her which ended too soon. We have traveled all over the world but we had never found a more prepared guide than her! Thanks Rayhon!!!
Roberto Stringa
I experienced Termez as an enchanting visit to the past, and it wouldn't have been the same without a guide like Rayhon. She was very passionate and her explanations, in perfect English, really brought the sites to life. Her understanding of the history of the region was extensive and she also explained some of the recent history of Termez, which was very interesting. Truly one of the highlights of my trip to central Asia. Thank you Rayhon, next visit I will stay in Termez longer!
Boaz Visch
We spent two days in Termez and the surrounding area with Ms. Rayhon. We went on a wonderful hike on the first day and on the second we were taken to some fascinating and beautiful ruins and temples. Ms. Rayhon was a friendly and nice guide and we relished the opportunity to be in such an interesting and charming place.
I spent some days in Termez in May 2016. One afternoon Ms.Rayhon took me on a trip to Kampir Tepa visiting famous scientist Prof.Rtvelazde afterwards, which was quite impressing. Ms.Rayhon has an incredible knowledge, an astonishingly perfect English (although she never has lived there) and most important of all: she is passionate with the subject.
Rudolf Lamprecht
My wife and I just spent 2.5 days in Termez with a very lovely guide Ms. Rayhon. She is very knowledgable about Termez, and also passionate about her job. Her knowledge in archaeology , history and Buddhism is way beyond her young age. The Kampirtepa Citadel and Karatepa Citadel were the highlights of our trip, without Ms. Rayhon’s superb guidance, our tour would never be so fulfilling. Termez is a gem and Ms. Rayhon guided us to the discovery.
Albert and Eva Chan
Rayhon, Thank you so much for showing me Uzbekistan. I have fallen in love with your country, your history and the majestic horses at the Kupkari games. You are the best!!! Can’t imagine Uzbekistan without your company. It was hard to say goodbye to you and I think of you often. We shared some very good times and I will never forget you. Jean Kersting
Jean Kersting
Myself with other had a chance to visit Uzbekistan last September for a week and Rayhon was our guide. I had wonderful time visiting Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent with her. the friendliness, helpfulness, honesty, her knowledge and good nature impressed me a lot. she is an excellent guide and throughout the tour she was a good friend to me. I will always remember this trip with her.
My colleague and I, both from the Art Gallery of NSW Australia, had the great pleasure to visit Termez for two days and be guided by the charming and lovely Rayhon. We were astounded and overwhelmed by the rich art and archaeological treasures of the region and only wished that we could have stayed much longer. Rayhon took us to the ancient Greek, Bactrian and Kushan archaeological ruins on the Amu Darya as well as the Buddhist sites in the surrounding regions. We also had a very informative and thorough guiding of the excellent archeological museum. Rayhon also took us to the mausoleum of At-Termini where she gave us one of the best descriptions and explanations of Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. Her descriptions were from the heart and much appreciated. Through the tour Rayon showed such warmth, depth of personal experience and true affection for the region and its amazing history and culture. We really enjoyed our time in Termez and I hope to return for a longer visit so that I can explore some of the other natural and cultural sites in the surrounding hills. Rayhon is an excellent guide, with a depth of knowledge as well as all the heartfelt honesty, generosity and friendliness that the Ubek people display regularly. Thank you Rayon. With best wishes, Julian Droogan
Dr Julian Droogan
Hellow Ms.Raihon, Manager of Silk Road Termez& our guide in Termez We wish to express our thanks for you while we stayed in Termez during Sept.13-15, 2012. We hope to visit Termez again with group of the people who are interested in Genjo-Sanzo priest and so forth, soon. Best regards, Makoto Okano Emiko Okano Japan
Makoto Okano
We really had a very nice trip in Termez. Miss Rayhon is very nice. She is a well-prepared guide: I really recommend her nice explanations to anyone going in Termez! Alberto (and Mister Giovanni), from Politecnico di Torino ps. if you take a taxi, remember always to discuss the price before the trip!
Glorious history for great nation for nice & peaceful people Thanks for the invitation to see this beautiful page of your history With my best wishes in health and happiness to my best friend Ray and your family
We had a great one day tour around and in Termez. Perfect english, great and extensive explanations about history or culture. Rayhon has been as well very helpful for special requests like showing us the bazaar etc.. Thx again. Maybe see you for another tour during the spring. All the best. Paul
Thanks again so much for your excellent guide work. Your enthusiasm and love for your country impressed us very much. All the best and hoping to stay in contact. Best wishes also from Iren Andr from Switzerland
Andy Boroschin
David and I certainly appreciated our time with you in Termez, and in the weeks following we thoroughly enjoyed our travel to Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and finally Fergana Valley. It is getting colder here in Toronto now. I think that winter is one its way! With all good best wishes, Carolyn and David
Carolyn Jongeward
Dear Miss Rayhon, I was very pleased to receive your wishes for Christmas. I always remember you with great pleasure because you were so nice and so kind and trough you I learned to love Termez. When your mail arrived I was in the States and this is the reason why I’m answering you so late. An other reason is that I also wanted to send you some pictures that I took when we were together and I needed a bit of free time to chose them. I was so impressed by your country and I will never forget the kindness of people and the beauty of monuments. But Italy is a beautiful country too and I remember that you were curios about it. I would be very pleased if you come and visit me for a holiday at Easter time. Of course I would talk about it also with your parents, to avoid them to be preoccupied. Think about it and let me know. I wish you and your family all the best and thank you so much for remembering me as I remember you Maristella