Teshiktash Cave

Famous grotto Teshiktash is the most ancient settlement of Neanderthal people (100-40 millennium B.C.)

 Teshiktash grotto is located in Upper Machay village of Boysun District in Surkhandarya Province.

 For the first time it was researched in 1938 by professor. A.P. Okladnikov. The grotto has a view of a wide and almost oval niche. Its height at the entrance is about 7 m and width is 20 m while the depth is stretched to 21 m. The area of the grotto smoothly goes up. Cultural layers of Teshiktash are classified into 5 separated from each other with sterile layers.The total capacity of these deposits is not more than 1, 5 m; maximum capacity of a single cultural layer barely reaches 40 cm. Decisive importance for the dating of the upper layer is the presence of typical Mousterian products; large disk-shaped cores and plates, pointed weapons and scrapers with depicted features of Mousterian period. This layer directly overlapped the remains of the boy’s skeleton. Findings from Teshiktash prove the presence of traces of Stone Age especially of the most ancient ones in Central Asia with all certainty.